- Accumulation meter - Also known as a basic meter. A device complying with Australian Standards with one or more registers which record the accumulated quantity of the electricity used at the premise.
- General supply – General Supply register on your meter records how much energy you are using for your main supply. All meters will have this register. General supply is also referred to as 'Light and Power'.
- Controlled load- This refers to the register on your meter that records how much energy you are using for specific circuits that are wired into this meter, for example, electric hot water systems. Not all meters have this configuration.
- Generation – means the amount of electricity you are generating and providing to the electricity grid.
- Maximum demand – greatest amount of electricity used for any day within the period. Refer to A14 for information on how maximum demand is calculated for 5, 15 and 30 minute intervals.
- Energy flow – what the energy has been used for
- Interval meter - Also known as a smart meter. A meter which measures consumption of electricity for each specified interval. Data can be recorded at 5, 15 or 30 minute intervals dependent on meter type. Can be manually read, but is generally remotely read using a communications network.
- Kilowatt (kW)- One kW=1000 watts.
- Kilowatt hour (KWh) – The standard unit of electrical energy that represents the consumption of one kilowatt over the period of one hour.
- National Metering Identifier (NMI) - A National Metering Identifier (NMI) is a unique number which identifies the electricity supply point at your property. Your NMI can be found on your account from your electricity provider and will begin with either 2001 or 2002.
- UOM – Unit of measure. kWh (energy), kW (demand).
- Usage - consumption of electrical energy
- Watt (W) – A measure of power present when a current of one ampere flows under the pressure of one volt, where one watt represents the expenditure of one joule of energy per second.